Tuesday, October 28, 2008

How are you feeling?

Seriously. How are you feeling about financial services?

The market is giving us all a huge whipping. AIG's recent drama left many insurance policyholders skeptical and worried of the stability of insurance companies. Mortgage giants like Freddie and Fannie, and huge financial institutions like Lehman Brothers, do prove that indeed there is no such thing as certainty of existence just because you are a big company, or backed by the government.

Indeed, how is this affecting you about financial planning? Is there no other way? Is hiding money in your Milo tin effective? Is inflation really an issue to you, or do you actually admit that you have no idea what it is about?

Yes, it's scary. I admit it. It is scary.

Do you still see light in the darkness? Please, I'd really like to know how you feel.

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