Monday, October 20, 2008

The Great Sale

I don't know why it hasn't dawned on you yet. There is a great sale going on in the financial markets. Here's why:
  1. STI is at least 50% lower than it usually was.
  2. Unit trust funds are also at a price which brings envious investors who missed the boat, to hop right in again.
  3. Financial institutions are bending their backs to come up with attractive financial products that they normally wouldn't bother when they are enjoying good times (eg: single premium endowments with bonus returns)

So long as the majority fails to realize that this is a sale, the price will remain low, and financial institutions will continue to do cartwheels. But one day they will realize it, and it's those bargain hunters who will have laughed to the bank way before.

If you're always waiting for Sheng Shiong and Harvey Norman to come up with a sale, what are you waiting for regarding this one?

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